Direct help to devotees and families affected by the war

Since this disastrous military conflict started, hundreds of Ukrainian devotees had to evacuate, leaving everything behind. They lost their means to maintain themselves and their families and often lost their houses and other valuable possessions. 

Our team reaches out to as many devotees as possible to enquire about their wellbeing and extend whatever help is required. We make sure that no devotee feels left behind or abandoned in these terrible circumstances. We also make ourselves available to any and all incoming requests. Furthermore, all the devotees who have been helped are regularly contacted and asked if any further help is required.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a recurring monthly payment!! If you prefer to make a one-time donation instead, please uncheck the Recurring monthly checkbox below.

ATTENTION: First and Last name fields are required and need to be filled out before clicking PayPal payment button! Please enter your name before proceeding to your payment details.

Since this disastrous military conflict started, hundreds of Ukrainian devotees had to evacuate, leaving everything behind. They lost their means to maintain themselves and their families and often lost their houses and other valuable possessions. 

Our team reaches out to as many devotees as possible to enquire about their wellbeing and extend whatever help is required. We make sure that no devotee feels left behind or abandoned in these terrible circumstances. We also make ourselves available to any and all incoming requests. Furthermore, all the devotees who have been helped are regularly contacted and asked if any further help is required.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a recurring monthly payment!! If you prefer to make a one-time donation instead, please uncheck the Recurring monthly checkbox below.

ATTENTION: First and Last name fields are required and need to be filled out before clicking PayPal payment button! Please enter your name before proceeding to your payment details.

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Donation Total: $100.00 One Time