Mataji Zhenya Needs an Ophthalmological Operation

Mataji Zhenya Needs an Ophthalmological Operation

Matazhi Zhenya needs an ophthalmological operation.

Mataji Zhenia lives in the New Mayapur community. She was evacuated from occupied Mariupol. Most of her time is devoted to service. She mainly cooks prasad. She also does administrative work and helps those who are not feeling well. She is also a very compassionate person and helps the devotees buy food at the market every week.

Although Mataji Zhenia has severe eyesight problems, but she still has a hobby – she makes bracelets out of beads and natural stones. She has been able to realize this talent in making and repairing ornaments for Deities. A good friend is what you can call her, because she will always give you a gift and care, whether you are a devotee in the community or just a simple nurse in a health clinic. She has faced every obstacle on her way with a smile on her face. However, now she needs financial help for treatment, surgery and rehabilitation.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a one-time donation only!!

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$284 of $275 raised

Matazhi Zhenya needs an ophthalmological operation.

Mataji Zhenia lives in the New Mayapur community. She was evacuated from occupied Mariupol. Most of her time is devoted to service. She mainly cooks prasad. She also does administrative work and helps those who are not feeling well. She is also a very compassionate person and helps the devotees buy food at the market every week.

Although Mataji Zhenia has severe eyesight problems, but she still has a hobby – she makes bracelets out of beads and natural stones. She has been able to realize this talent in making and repairing ornaments for Deities. A good friend is what you can call her, because she will always give you a gift and care, whether you are a devotee in the community or just a simple nurse in a health clinic. She has faced every obstacle on her way with a smile on her face. However, now she needs financial help for treatment, surgery and rehabilitation.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a one-time donation only!!

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Donation Total: $10.00