Please Help Lenia and Serhii Maslov for repair their damaged house

Please Help Lenia and Serhii Maslov for repair their damaged house

The devotees’ accommodation has been damaged, fortunately it can be repaired, we are asking for your help.

Anadi Prabhu says:

Lenia Maslov and Serhii Maslov, who are brothers, are the most active devotees of the Kherson yatra and they have been the most stable ones for more than a decade.

As a rule, every Sunday they come to the temple a few hours before the program and do a general cleaning, actively participate in the program itself, arrange prasadam distribution, and after the program they stay and wash the entire temple and do all the dishes. They also very actively participate in harinamas and in all festivals and events held by the yatra. The temple construction and all kinds of repair work has also often been their responsibility.

They live very austerely and, being pensioners, manage to save up and donate a lot to cover the temple’s needs.

Goal is to collect USD 2000.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a one-time donation only!!

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$1,126 of $2,000 raised

The devotees’ accommodation has been damaged, fortunately it can be repaired, we are asking for your help.

Anadi Prabhu says:

Lenia Maslov and Serhii Maslov, who are brothers, are the most active devotees of the Kherson yatra and they have been the most stable ones for more than a decade.

As a rule, every Sunday they come to the temple a few hours before the program and do a general cleaning, actively participate in the program itself, arrange prasadam distribution, and after the program they stay and wash the entire temple and do all the dishes. They also very actively participate in harinamas and in all festivals and events held by the yatra. The temple construction and all kinds of repair work has also often been their responsibility.

They live very austerely and, being pensioners, manage to save up and donate a lot to cover the temple’s needs.

Goal is to collect USD 2000.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a one-time donation only!!

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Donation Total: $10.00